Monday, March 31, 2008

Man Alive

So it has officially been FOREVER since I have updated this dealy-bobber. I do not know if anyone really reads this except my family, but who cares!! :D A lot has happened since I have been "blogging" if you will. Got a new kick ass job, stressful at times, but much better than sitting on my ass all day doing nothing! I have moved, no more defying death daily going up and down the canyon. I drove it this last weekend and couldn't believe that I actually did that daily! U. G. H. honestly.

But last weekend was hilarious! My best two buds and I got together and had a sleep over, just like the old days. It was great. We were planning on going to a movie after we ate some din, well that was the plan pre VINO!!! So once we started drinking the giggle juice, it was all history. 4 bottles later, minus 2 1/4 glasses, due to laughing so hard and spilling it on white carpet -- nice work huh-- we turned on the Goonies and passed out at probably 10:30. The funny thing is we did absolutely nothing but sit around and laugh our asses off screwing around. There was no TV in the house (we watched the goonies on a laptop) and we just took silly pictures and giggled the night away. That is a great description of good friends. You can be entertained by just hanging out. Good Stuff.

Man, yesterday evening I went running with my pup, and on our way back, all of a sudden a HUGE German Shepard came running out of a front door booking it towards us. It attacked my dog, although she was shook up, nothing major happened, I don't think the stupid fucking dog broke her skin. I really thought I was going to die, because not only did that huge dog come after us, but 2 others, but just weren't as large, but still shit your pants scary. Luckily we're not canned dog food at this moment.

Wow, nothing really funny has happened to me lately, I will try to think of a funny story tho, I always have a arsenal of them, so don't you fret.