Friday, December 19, 2008

Is this real meat?

Today the time has gone by so fast. It's that time of the year when it is major crunch time, getting things done, wanting to go home for Christmas. I looked at the clock and it is almost 2 and I haven't eaten lunch. Crap I think to myself, I know I should just go digging around in the freezer here at work and find a lunch-sickle - AKA Lean Cuisine, Healthy Choice, Smart Ones, what have you, all the same. The pictures on the boxes always look so appetizing then you unveil the actual lunch out of the box and think to yourself "what the fuck is that?". Instant plans of attack run through your head, "Well I could go run out really fast and grab something, well wait, then that defeats the whole purpose of saving time and money... and probably calories. Shit, I guess I will zap it up and pretend its good, and most importantly, filling.. yeah right".

So this is where I find myself just a couple minutes ago, checking out the final product, creepy looking chunks mystery-meat that they pass off as "Chicken"? Well yeah f'in right. I bring it to my desk and start inspecting. Weird brown marks are on either side of the "medallion" (um hmm, sure) which is from browning it.. Uh yeah suuuuure, nice try but no dice healthy choice people! The consistency is this weird sponge-like and almost a translucent tan color. Yeah, chicken that I make at home surely does not look like this shit. Here's the kicker, obviously its fake chicken, but where the f do the tendon lookin things come from?? You know your creeped out to eat every piece of that mystery meat that is staring you in the face sitting in its little black death tray swimming in sweet and sour. So what is that stuff that you cut around? That is my question...

And major draw back, these things only mask your hunger for oh about... 13.5 minutes.

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