Friday, November 9, 2007

Rice and Beans...

So.... here is a interesting night for you..

So I was sitting at work last night, when a late ad came in that had to be built. So naturally I was like ok, I'll do it. I can use the extra hours.. So after finally whipping out the ad and fixing a ad that was a total nightmare building with a thousand names for a thank you deal, with a BItc+ of a lady putting the ad together for her company.. anyways, that is besides the point.. So I finally got out of work and was like hmmm.. I was going to go to the gym, but now that I am not going to get home until 7 and i am starving I am going to go home and eat some din.

So I jump into my truck and realize that I have no gas. NONE. That might be because I have been waiting for a paycheck to get more gas, because I had no mula. So I was like well, I think I might be able to make it home, its downhill right??? So as I was driving I realized that I was retarded and there was no way I was going to make it home. So I went on a road that goes parallel to the freeway, having no idea where the hell I was. Eventually I found a gas station and got some gas. Then remembered I passed a Albertsons on my way to the gas station, back tracked and thought I would pick up some rice and beans for dinner real quick so I could just go straight home.

I run into Albys just having just my car keys and credit card in my pocket from when I got gas. I run through the store grabbing rice, beans, NON butter flavored tortillas (yeah made that mistake of not looking at the package good enough and bought butter flavored tortillas-who the hell makes those) and some other stuff.

So I go to the self check out, thinking it was going to be faster... Yeah so I check out and then run my credit card, and with that new thing you have to enter your zip. So I enter mine, and get denied. Shit, what zip do I have on this card I think to myself, vermont, oregon?? aaaah, so I start trying to put in zip codes and naturally I cannot remember VT's for the life of me. People are staring at me, like what the hell is this stupid girl doing??? Finally I am like screw this, cancel out, then it told me I had to wait for the worker person to come over so they can verify this cancellation. So I am waiting and finally this guy comes over and was like whats the problem? So I told him and he was like well do you have your ID? And of course the one time I leave my purse in the car I need it. So I ran out to get my purse, run back into the store and show the guy, while he is RE-checking me out. Then entering my rewards number--yes save that dollar and a half!!!--and entering a different credit card. Then the guy is like OREGON!!!! I grew up in Oregon too. Where in oregon are you from?? and I tell him, and he's like oh my great grandmother is from there!! How bout those Ducks huh!!!! They're doing great, and goes on to tell me all of the stats and who they need to beat to be number one. And while he is telling me all of this useless information of the Ducks football, I am trying to put my ID and credit card back into my wallet, then all of my business cards and randomness falls out of my wallet onto the ground.. PERFECT!

So now as I am walking out of the store, I now have all this knowledge of when the Ducks are playing, who they are playing and what ranking they AND they're competitors

Monday, November 5, 2007

Old Food to New Food!

Ok well, this is to being creative.. with food.

So this weekend I was cleaning my house, and noticed that I had a few --shall we say over ripe-- bananas and a old baguette. So I was like hmm, what can I do with these past due things?? So naturally I looked my my most favorite person ever, Martha of course!! and found some items..

••Delish Banana Bread••
3-4 Mashed Naners
1/2 C. Sour Cream
1 1/2 C Flour
1 C Sugar
1 tsp. Vanilla
1 tsp. Baking Soda
2 Eggs
1 tsp. Salt
1/2 C Butter

Pre-heat oven at 350. Butter bread loaf pan.

Whisk together all dry ingredients. Mash bananas in different bowl. Mix in butter @ room temp. Add eggs, vanilla, bananas and sour cream. Mix.

Pour all contents into loaf pan, sprinkle brown sugar on top and pop into the oven, bake for 1.5 HRS. Before taking out of oven make sure it is fully cooked by poking a knife or fork into the middle. If it comes out non-gooey its ready to take out! Let sit for 10min, carefully take out of pan and enjoy!!


Stale bread (ciabatta-baguette)
Olive oil
Cayenne Pepper
Salt & Pepper

Pre-heat oven @ 400.

Slice up bread into your choice chunks, small works better. Once all cubed up put into Tupperware drizzle olive oil, and the rest of the spices on top. Put the Tupperware top on and shake-em!! Shake until it looks evenly coated on all pieces. Pour onto a cookie sheet and just bake for about 10-15Min's. Just until they are golden on the sides. ENJOY!! goes great with Ceasar salads!!

So now you went from having unwanted old-ish food to new yummy food!!! :) good work!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Shitty Drivers.

So this blog is dedicated to all the people that mostly follow the rules while driving. Even though you watch those assholes wizz right by you like you are just standing still you still go the same speed, wishing you could go faster, but know you will get pulled over, because you are just that kind of a person. As they pass you in your head your thinking (or out loud-in my case 90% of the time), "that fucker, I hope they get a ticket!!!" Although it never seems to be the case. You always wish to see them pulled over up ahead on the road it never really happens, but honestly how many times has that really happened?? Only once to me, but it was glorious!!

Which brings me to my point, as I was driving up to work yesterday going about 75 (because there are crazy drivers on this road (if your not going at least 70 your going to get stuck behind a semi-truck), but mind you this is a very big incline up a mtn road. So as I was sitting there listening to my music drinking my semi-good coffee, I notice a little purple-y Audi right on my ass. So naturally I am like shit, cool your jets, and pull over a lane. And this little Audi flies by me like I am standing still. What a bitch. But I'm over it in a few seconds really. But about 10 later in my drive, who do I see but a little purple-y Audi pulled over because they rear-ended someone. HA victorious! Yes, I know it is a little mean to be excited that some one got in a little fender bender, but I am not excited at the fact that they got in a crash, but the little no-older than 18 year old girl crashed her probably 16th birthday present, because she was driving like a idiot. Nice. haha. I'm guessing mommy and daddy weren't too stoked on that 8:45am phone call.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween a Day Late, and a Buck Short--or more..

Greetings everyone. I'm not sure I should say that plural, seeing as I have no idea who reads this. But nevertheless greetings!

So I have recently designed a top sheet for some skis, and they are actually getting printed and everything!! I am so excited, because that was pretty much my ultimate goal when I first decided graphic design was for me!! So congrats to me!! YAY!! Anyways, I am going to try to upload a picture of them, but also the company that is making them is call Birdos, they are out of Switzerland, just a small company that makes custom skis. So if you have a sec take a peek!! :)

The skis are call Early Birds, thus the flying clock etc. So lets see if I can make this work!