Monday, November 5, 2007

Old Food to New Food!

Ok well, this is to being creative.. with food.

So this weekend I was cleaning my house, and noticed that I had a few --shall we say over ripe-- bananas and a old baguette. So I was like hmm, what can I do with these past due things?? So naturally I looked my my most favorite person ever, Martha of course!! and found some items..

••Delish Banana Bread••
3-4 Mashed Naners
1/2 C. Sour Cream
1 1/2 C Flour
1 C Sugar
1 tsp. Vanilla
1 tsp. Baking Soda
2 Eggs
1 tsp. Salt
1/2 C Butter

Pre-heat oven at 350. Butter bread loaf pan.

Whisk together all dry ingredients. Mash bananas in different bowl. Mix in butter @ room temp. Add eggs, vanilla, bananas and sour cream. Mix.

Pour all contents into loaf pan, sprinkle brown sugar on top and pop into the oven, bake for 1.5 HRS. Before taking out of oven make sure it is fully cooked by poking a knife or fork into the middle. If it comes out non-gooey its ready to take out! Let sit for 10min, carefully take out of pan and enjoy!!


Stale bread (ciabatta-baguette)
Olive oil
Cayenne Pepper
Salt & Pepper

Pre-heat oven @ 400.

Slice up bread into your choice chunks, small works better. Once all cubed up put into Tupperware drizzle olive oil, and the rest of the spices on top. Put the Tupperware top on and shake-em!! Shake until it looks evenly coated on all pieces. Pour onto a cookie sheet and just bake for about 10-15Min's. Just until they are golden on the sides. ENJOY!! goes great with Ceasar salads!!

So now you went from having unwanted old-ish food to new yummy food!!! :) good work!

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