Friday, November 2, 2007

Shitty Drivers.

So this blog is dedicated to all the people that mostly follow the rules while driving. Even though you watch those assholes wizz right by you like you are just standing still you still go the same speed, wishing you could go faster, but know you will get pulled over, because you are just that kind of a person. As they pass you in your head your thinking (or out loud-in my case 90% of the time), "that fucker, I hope they get a ticket!!!" Although it never seems to be the case. You always wish to see them pulled over up ahead on the road it never really happens, but honestly how many times has that really happened?? Only once to me, but it was glorious!!

Which brings me to my point, as I was driving up to work yesterday going about 75 (because there are crazy drivers on this road (if your not going at least 70 your going to get stuck behind a semi-truck), but mind you this is a very big incline up a mtn road. So as I was sitting there listening to my music drinking my semi-good coffee, I notice a little purple-y Audi right on my ass. So naturally I am like shit, cool your jets, and pull over a lane. And this little Audi flies by me like I am standing still. What a bitch. But I'm over it in a few seconds really. But about 10 later in my drive, who do I see but a little purple-y Audi pulled over because they rear-ended someone. HA victorious! Yes, I know it is a little mean to be excited that some one got in a little fender bender, but I am not excited at the fact that they got in a crash, but the little no-older than 18 year old girl crashed her probably 16th birthday present, because she was driving like a idiot. Nice. haha. I'm guessing mommy and daddy weren't too stoked on that 8:45am phone call.


Katie said...

Hooray for karma!

NewHavenPatriot said...

I commute an hour to work and an hour home every day, so I know exactly what you go through each morning. Not only that, but since I live in a city, people drive shittily here too. My only saving grace is that the roads here are mostly too narrow for people to fly around me, but even a double-yellow-line or a left-turn lane won't stop some assholes from flying by me, doing about 50 in a 25, honking, whipping me the bird. Sigh. I guess I'm doomed to be miserable forever until Connecticut builds commuter rail between New Haven and Hartford, and builds streetcars in New Haven, or the bus system gets its act together -- i.e., the buses actually show up.