Friday, October 26, 2007


So this morning as I was driving up to work I found myself thinking. Yes, whoa, watch out. I was thinking. We all know when I am thinking its not a good thing. But I found myself wishing I had my computer while I was thinking these random thoughts because there were so many just canoodling in my brain..

I was thinking about the "best of" section of because it is friggen hilarious! When I was reading one of the forum things, it was from a guy actually in Portland, which is funny because these postings are from all over the US. And believe it or not there is a large percent of them from Oregonians.. Anyhoo.. this guys was at a post office in Multnomah and he was going off about all the different people standing in a way too long of line -amazingly enough- there was only 2 people working. But it was the funniest thing I have ever read. So it made me think, I should share my own story, but instead of mine being a rare occurrence it is everyday.

So everyday I sit down in my chair looking for something to do. Daily, there is nothing when I actually get here on time, so I start to find something to do.. whether it being looking at my email or just checking out the news. You know aol, cnn, or weird news on aol-which makes me think I haven't checked that lately--ooo I'm excited I hope there is something good. Anyways, then as the morning drags on, people start to trickle in, you know around 9:30-ish.. So as this one person in particular gets here. He sits down, and oh yes, his cell phone rings. Seriously how long has been been away from his wife? Like 30 minutes, give me a break. So anyways, while he is talking on the phone I have puke bubbling up my throat because he is such a fucking pansy. He is talking to his wife, saying oh honey how are you? I was just checking in on you, making sure your ok sweetie. Oh honey well you should go to the doctor, oh honey you should take some advil. BLAH BLAH BLAH. Grow a sac, seriously. If my boyfriend acted like this I would punch him in the face. Boys are supposed to hardly listen to you when you have a headache and then make you snap out of feeling bad for yourself, not be a pussy and act like your girlfriend talking to you in a baby voice. Give me a break. I just want to toss his phone out the window and say fetch little gremlin man.

On to the next. So there is this girl that looks like ugly betty. Dresses like her and everything. But not funny, its not the tv show. I tried to make it like that just to make me not hating her and not even knowing her. But it happened, my first day working here we went out to lunch everyone was raging on her, immediately making me think badly. Although it only has grown into totally cannot stand her-- cant even look at her with wanting to staple things to her head. For example yesterday she came around bring a "memo" if you will-- and handed them to us and said this is for a little training. It was a memo telling us how to except files for people wanting to do internet advertising. Half the shit was totally wrong, and it was ugly to boot. Nobody in the office likes her, she is the running joke of the office, I haven't even been here longer than 2 months and I already have the same amount of distaste as the rest of the peeps here.

Then we have this guy that is pretty normal. Although when something is out of the norm or just not like it should be exactly, then he flips a switch. Its the weirdest thing.. Something will set him off and he just leaves. This has happened 3 times in like 3 days. Twice yesterday, and just never came back after the second tantrum. I'm just hoping one of these days he doesn't go postal. That would suck.

So as I sit here waiting for something to do, I am over using my fingers and now they are tired. I need more coffee and some advil--my tum tum is killing me. And also I have to figure out what exactly I need to buy for my halloween costume. By the way, if you know me at all, you would know that Halloween is my most fav holiday ever!! I am going to be Debbie Harry from Blondie. Its going to be great!! ok peace out, hope you enjoyed a look into my everyday-day.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Man Alive. So these fires are out of control in Cali, I am glad that my sis gets to go back to her house, and they were the lucky ones that still have a house to go back to.

Well the work week is going somewhat quickly, which is definately a plus! Its already wednesday, so that is nice. And my favorite holiday is really coming around the corner. Totally sweet!!! : ) Um, yeah, well there is nothing to do, so here I find myself typing away nothing on this blogger, because I am bored. Boo. Maybe sometime soon I won't be as bored, maybe located somewhere else. One can only hope... ; )

Monday, October 22, 2007

man o man.

So it is that time of the year to rake up billions of leaves and bag-em up.. Did that yesterday.. and as we were finishing the front yard--the back yard isn't even started yet-- we looked up at the tree that is dropping all of its leaves and there are so many leaves still attached it doesn't look like any have fallen off yet. And we already bagged up 6 bags. It will be interesting...

What happened over the weekend?? hmmm.. actually no wack-o weird stories. Just a good relaxing weekend that went way too fast. And now I am back at work.. working hard as you can see I'm sure, as I am typing this. Because there is no work.. One word.. EXCITING.

Well I am sure that I will be back later today.. I am going to catch up on my current events-- I don't keep up on it during the weekend, so until next time...

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


buongorno tutti! Well, I don't know why I am having the urge to speak Italian today, but o'well.. Anyways, last night I was watchin a little boobtube and noticed a McDonald's commercial, and I guess it is the Monopoly time. And it made me think.. I wonder if all the bums in the world get excited when this time of the year rolls around? Because they can possibly win more food or money for scrounging up 1.29 for an egg McMuffin.. Just a thought.. :)

Monday, October 15, 2007


So.. after "surfin the web" for a little bit this morning, I just found out that has tons of recipes. So if your in need of some new flava flav in your life, check it out..

also I got accused of eating hippie food last week. Due to my daily snacks at work being trail mix and crasins. I'm not hippie.


Well, happy Monday everyone. Whoever actually reads this silly thing. Well, can't believe it is already Monday, can't wait for the weekend already. But anyways, well over the weekend I went to a Matchstick Productions Movie premiere, which was pretty fun. Randomly I won the raffle, which got me some Smith shades (-which are not PollyShades- need to switch those out) and some awesome Smith Goggles. That was cool, funny hearing my name called out- my odds may have been a little better than the normal person due to me putting 3 slips in the box! haha. But then went to a little bar in SLC called Pipper Down, which was fun. But all Utah bars have smoking, so needless to say we didn't last long in there. Which brings me to now, I am wearing the hoodie I was wearing in the bar, and it STINKS.. the few squirts of perfume didn't do the job. So I am sitting in my own stench of bar. Gross. At least I am warm though.. right?

Hmm.. what else over the weekend happened that was funny.... thinking... thinking.. thinking... I am going have to take a ciesta and think about this. I will be back. count on it...

Thursday, October 11, 2007

New Purchase..

So last night at the Superstore Office Depot -- why it is a Superstore, I don't know. But that is beside the point. But I bought a new little item for my desk at work. It is a nice little almost bean-bag like wrist rest. It is called IMAK ergobeads. I really suggest buying one if your on a computer constantly -- instead of getting future wrist bones spurs.. not pretty. here is the link for it. Its just a wonderful simple pleaure!! : )


So this morning on my way out of my driveway, noticed I have no gas to get me to work. So I just made my way down the road to the nearest Chevron. As I am getting out of my truck to fill-er-up a lady in a floral print durag comes up to me. I was like um, so is she going to go talk me or to someone else behind me--unfortunately there was no one behind me. So she comes up to me and says "Excuse me sweetie, but we just coasted in here (pointing at her 2-tone monster green 1969 Shaggin wagon-and toothless boyfriend/husband- who is filling up the beast) and we only have a dollar, do you happen to have any change?" As I am holding my tie-dye debit card in my hand, I was like um yeah, sorry but no, I can hardly pay for my own gas. Then I watch her proceed to ask every person at the gas station for money to cover the Shaggin Wagons already full tank of gas. HA! Alright Salt Lake City. Keepin it Classy.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Yummy Homemade Chili :^)

Homemade Chili
1 Lg Can of DICED tomatoes
1 Sm can of tomato paste (might not need whole can)
1 14oz can of Kidney beans
1 Reg can of black beans
1 Reg can of white beans
1 Med can of corn
1/2-1 Beer (darker is better)
1 Thing of ground beef or ground turkey (your choice)
1 pkg of chili seasoning-or cumin, chili powder, salt, pepper (all items enough until your happy with flavor-beware with cumin because it gets hot fast!)

While browning your meat of choice, in a large saucepan add:
-Kidney Beans w/juice
-Black, White beans & Corn DRAINED
-1/2 can of tomato paste (may add more later)
-Entire can of diced tomato
-After adding all cans of ingredients stir well, over medium heat, start adding beer (Sm amts at a time.)
After meat is browned drain & add to chili.
Add spices keep on med heat bring to slow boil- keep stirring intermittently. Keep top on sauce pan, after slow boiling for 10-15 min w/all ingredients bring to low and let cook until chili is thick and ready. serve with sour cream, cheese and onions. its delish!


My sister got me into this world. Now I am kind of addicted. I just have to figure out how to make my page cooler - not to say that this theme it has isn't kick ass already!


New World Of Blogging.

So this whole blogging thing is new to me. So I'm not sure what to really do on this. But I think I will just write whatever I want. So might be recipe's, might be funny daily thoughts, you never know. So here's to blogging. Chin Chin.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007
