Friday, October 26, 2007


So this morning as I was driving up to work I found myself thinking. Yes, whoa, watch out. I was thinking. We all know when I am thinking its not a good thing. But I found myself wishing I had my computer while I was thinking these random thoughts because there were so many just canoodling in my brain..

I was thinking about the "best of" section of because it is friggen hilarious! When I was reading one of the forum things, it was from a guy actually in Portland, which is funny because these postings are from all over the US. And believe it or not there is a large percent of them from Oregonians.. Anyhoo.. this guys was at a post office in Multnomah and he was going off about all the different people standing in a way too long of line -amazingly enough- there was only 2 people working. But it was the funniest thing I have ever read. So it made me think, I should share my own story, but instead of mine being a rare occurrence it is everyday.

So everyday I sit down in my chair looking for something to do. Daily, there is nothing when I actually get here on time, so I start to find something to do.. whether it being looking at my email or just checking out the news. You know aol, cnn, or weird news on aol-which makes me think I haven't checked that lately--ooo I'm excited I hope there is something good. Anyways, then as the morning drags on, people start to trickle in, you know around 9:30-ish.. So as this one person in particular gets here. He sits down, and oh yes, his cell phone rings. Seriously how long has been been away from his wife? Like 30 minutes, give me a break. So anyways, while he is talking on the phone I have puke bubbling up my throat because he is such a fucking pansy. He is talking to his wife, saying oh honey how are you? I was just checking in on you, making sure your ok sweetie. Oh honey well you should go to the doctor, oh honey you should take some advil. BLAH BLAH BLAH. Grow a sac, seriously. If my boyfriend acted like this I would punch him in the face. Boys are supposed to hardly listen to you when you have a headache and then make you snap out of feeling bad for yourself, not be a pussy and act like your girlfriend talking to you in a baby voice. Give me a break. I just want to toss his phone out the window and say fetch little gremlin man.

On to the next. So there is this girl that looks like ugly betty. Dresses like her and everything. But not funny, its not the tv show. I tried to make it like that just to make me not hating her and not even knowing her. But it happened, my first day working here we went out to lunch everyone was raging on her, immediately making me think badly. Although it only has grown into totally cannot stand her-- cant even look at her with wanting to staple things to her head. For example yesterday she came around bring a "memo" if you will-- and handed them to us and said this is for a little training. It was a memo telling us how to except files for people wanting to do internet advertising. Half the shit was totally wrong, and it was ugly to boot. Nobody in the office likes her, she is the running joke of the office, I haven't even been here longer than 2 months and I already have the same amount of distaste as the rest of the peeps here.

Then we have this guy that is pretty normal. Although when something is out of the norm or just not like it should be exactly, then he flips a switch. Its the weirdest thing.. Something will set him off and he just leaves. This has happened 3 times in like 3 days. Twice yesterday, and just never came back after the second tantrum. I'm just hoping one of these days he doesn't go postal. That would suck.

So as I sit here waiting for something to do, I am over using my fingers and now they are tired. I need more coffee and some advil--my tum tum is killing me. And also I have to figure out what exactly I need to buy for my halloween costume. By the way, if you know me at all, you would know that Halloween is my most fav holiday ever!! I am going to be Debbie Harry from Blondie. Its going to be great!! ok peace out, hope you enjoyed a look into my everyday-day.

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