Monday, October 15, 2007


Well, happy Monday everyone. Whoever actually reads this silly thing. Well, can't believe it is already Monday, can't wait for the weekend already. But anyways, well over the weekend I went to a Matchstick Productions Movie premiere, which was pretty fun. Randomly I won the raffle, which got me some Smith shades (-which are not PollyShades- need to switch those out) and some awesome Smith Goggles. That was cool, funny hearing my name called out- my odds may have been a little better than the normal person due to me putting 3 slips in the box! haha. But then went to a little bar in SLC called Pipper Down, which was fun. But all Utah bars have smoking, so needless to say we didn't last long in there. Which brings me to now, I am wearing the hoodie I was wearing in the bar, and it STINKS.. the few squirts of perfume didn't do the job. So I am sitting in my own stench of bar. Gross. At least I am warm though.. right?

Hmm.. what else over the weekend happened that was funny.... thinking... thinking.. thinking... I am going have to take a ciesta and think about this. I will be back. count on it...

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