Monday, October 22, 2007

man o man.

So it is that time of the year to rake up billions of leaves and bag-em up.. Did that yesterday.. and as we were finishing the front yard--the back yard isn't even started yet-- we looked up at the tree that is dropping all of its leaves and there are so many leaves still attached it doesn't look like any have fallen off yet. And we already bagged up 6 bags. It will be interesting...

What happened over the weekend?? hmmm.. actually no wack-o weird stories. Just a good relaxing weekend that went way too fast. And now I am back at work.. working hard as you can see I'm sure, as I am typing this. Because there is no work.. One word.. EXCITING.

Well I am sure that I will be back later today.. I am going to catch up on my current events-- I don't keep up on it during the weekend, so until next time...

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