Thursday, October 11, 2007


So this morning on my way out of my driveway, noticed I have no gas to get me to work. So I just made my way down the road to the nearest Chevron. As I am getting out of my truck to fill-er-up a lady in a floral print durag comes up to me. I was like um, so is she going to go talk me or to someone else behind me--unfortunately there was no one behind me. So she comes up to me and says "Excuse me sweetie, but we just coasted in here (pointing at her 2-tone monster green 1969 Shaggin wagon-and toothless boyfriend/husband- who is filling up the beast) and we only have a dollar, do you happen to have any change?" As I am holding my tie-dye debit card in my hand, I was like um yeah, sorry but no, I can hardly pay for my own gas. Then I watch her proceed to ask every person at the gas station for money to cover the Shaggin Wagons already full tank of gas. HA! Alright Salt Lake City. Keepin it Classy.

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